Friday, October 12, 2012

My Supports

      “I’ve learned that every day you should reach out and touch someone. People love a warm hug, or just a friendly pat on the back.”       Maya Angelou


My primary daily support is my family. In the first place comes my husband, who is the one I share with everything that goes on with me during the day. I turn to him for advice and support, and I am grateful that he is extremely patient and a very good listener. My youngest sister has been another valuable support in my life; she gives me vigor when I lack it and encouragement when I need it. Having my children around me is something that raises my spirits and fills me with energy that gets me through the day. The reinforcement I receive from my friends also gives me great strength and motivates me to keep going. They are proud of whom I am and what I do, and they never fail to let me know that very often.

I also have the support of my colleagues and my mentors, who provide me with suggestions and solutions that are invaluable to me. I am thankful that they are always ready to share resources and brainstorm with me to help me find answers to emerging problems.

After I had my second child, I started experiencing some problems with remembering things, and my notebook has saved me a number of times. I have regained my memory since then, but my note book is something that I can never leave the house without now. It keeps me on track. Additionally, with regard to material support, I know that I rely on the internet to a great extent, especially since I live far away from home and I do not always find the resources I need around here. Staying connected to the world and being able to browse my way through a limitless world of information and knowledge have been my means to advance professionally; as this has provided me with access to research that has fostered my professional development and my personal growth.

A big challenge for me would be not having the funds to complete my studies. This has been something I have wanted to pursue for 10 years now, and I would really be distraught at losing this opportunity. However, I do believe that my family and friends will go out of their way to help, because they know how much this means to me. I am grateful for all the blessings God has bestowed upon me, and my supports are definitely a lot to be thankful about.


  1. Hi Reem,
    A beautiful quote by Maya Angelou. I agree that in life we all can make a difference if we reach out and touch someone. Family support is very important. It is great that you and your husband have a great relationship that you can turn to him for guidance. I am sorry to hear about your memory loss at times after you had your second child. It is good to see that you have a notebook that you can refer to as needed. Great posting.

  2. Reem
    I love your picture. If there is someone who can teach us about support is definitely this little creature, always working in a group. I too suffer from memory loss and recently learned is a symptom associated with menopause (which is my case).Thank you for the notebook advice, I will try it. I also agree with you about the concern for the education funds. My education is also on my top priority list and with all the changes talked about in the news concerning student loans I get nervous.

  3. Great post. I like the quote. Family is very important and I believe that family support too makes a difference. It is so many people in the world that donot have family support, but for the ones that do, it makes a difference in how their life turn out.

  4. Reem,
    The challenge of finances is a huge obstacle for many people. It's a vicious cycle of needing more education based credentials to get a better job, but needing a better job to be able to afford that education. Without a great support system, even just emotional support, I would have ended my educational pursuits a long time ago. I went back to finish my bachelor's degree as an adult, which in itself posed challenges. Your idea for a journal is a very good one. I have tried to write important things down to access later to supplement my memory, but sometimes the issue arises of forgetting to write it down. I enjoyed your post!

  5. Reem I too struggle with finances, thanks to support of my family and sorority sisters I am making it through. Thank you for sharing you story about memory loss, you are supporting others with this.
