Saturday, March 16, 2013

Personal Research Journey

Self-Regulation and Dramatic Play

I chose the topic Self-Regulation and Dramatic play to research throughout this course. I was drawn to this topic since I have learned about the strong relation between dramatic play and the ability of children to manage their emotions. Some of the major problems that I encounter in my classroom are behavioral in nature, and because I  teach English as a second language to 4-year old children, a further challenge is added to the daily Kindergarten concerns. As there is some time constraint (Because I teach two sections), as an ESL teacher, I am not always capable of including activities that allow children to participate in dramatic play during the time I have with the children.
I would like to learn more about the benefits of social play to become more competent at advocating for time allocated to it, and practical methods in which it can be more thoroughly integrated in class.
I hope my colleagues will support me  through sharing resources and personal experiences they have about this topic.


  1. Reem,
    I can fully relate to your situation. I also teach ESL so much of my time with the children focuses on language, but because I am with the students every day for the full day, I am more able to allow social play to occur and I do my best to join in the play. Are you hoping to have more time allotted during the day for social play in general, or are you concerned about how to include social play during your time with the students?
    Good luck!

    1. Lydia, I am hoping that it would be more efficiently integrated in the overall curriculum.

  2. Hi
    I found your topic to be very interesting. Learning about the relation between dramatic play and self –regulation is very imperative for teachers, and parents so that they can contribute positively in helping children learn to focus and pay attention, express their emotions, and engaging them in decisions making. I will be waiting anxiously to learn more about your research topic. Wish you the best

  3. Hello Reem, I am very interested in your research topic. I would like to research play as a teaching tool, because play has become very limited in schools in my area. I believe play is important for young children to experience for learning. Dramatic play and self-regulation is a huge step in a young child's development. Great topic.

  4. Your days sound like they are very full, yet rewarding. I think you have chosen an excellent research topic that relates to your day-to-day. And hopefully you can apply what you learn to your classroom of children. I also would like to become a better advocate for social play, so I will be following your research through this course. I think that play is an incredible tool that children have, and I am very sad that we cannot include more in our classrooms. I was recently watching children play and interact on a public playground. Children that had (I assume) never met before were interacting like they have been friends for years. I feel that we should be encouraged to use play in our classrooms, not lose all time for it. Good luck in your research!
