Friday, October 12, 2012

My Supports

      “I’ve learned that every day you should reach out and touch someone. People love a warm hug, or just a friendly pat on the back.”       Maya Angelou


My primary daily support is my family. In the first place comes my husband, who is the one I share with everything that goes on with me during the day. I turn to him for advice and support, and I am grateful that he is extremely patient and a very good listener. My youngest sister has been another valuable support in my life; she gives me vigor when I lack it and encouragement when I need it. Having my children around me is something that raises my spirits and fills me with energy that gets me through the day. The reinforcement I receive from my friends also gives me great strength and motivates me to keep going. They are proud of whom I am and what I do, and they never fail to let me know that very often.

I also have the support of my colleagues and my mentors, who provide me with suggestions and solutions that are invaluable to me. I am thankful that they are always ready to share resources and brainstorm with me to help me find answers to emerging problems.

After I had my second child, I started experiencing some problems with remembering things, and my notebook has saved me a number of times. I have regained my memory since then, but my note book is something that I can never leave the house without now. It keeps me on track. Additionally, with regard to material support, I know that I rely on the internet to a great extent, especially since I live far away from home and I do not always find the resources I need around here. Staying connected to the world and being able to browse my way through a limitless world of information and knowledge have been my means to advance professionally; as this has provided me with access to research that has fostered my professional development and my personal growth.

A big challenge for me would be not having the funds to complete my studies. This has been something I have wanted to pursue for 10 years now, and I would really be distraught at losing this opportunity. However, I do believe that my family and friends will go out of their way to help, because they know how much this means to me. I am grateful for all the blessings God has bestowed upon me, and my supports are definitely a lot to be thankful about.